Cries from a Struggling Undergrad
Geez, miss my friends..
Gosh how time really flies, it already 7 weeks = 49 days = 1176 hours = 70560 min since school started, and next week’s our mid term break already. Next week’s our mid-term break, supposedly to be a mid break for us students to take a breather after a hectic 7 week of studying. Time to catch up with old friends and reminiscence the old times.
FAT HOPE! That’s not for me, more like tonnes of tutorials to complete, and textbooks to read, arghhhh!!! Die die die, just after 7 weeks in school in back to my old self, skipping lectures, the backlog of unfinished tutorials, unread lecture notes/ textbook chapters simply grew as each day passes, in Chinese it is called “与日俱增”.
I don’t understand why but it seems I have lost all sense of self-discipline that I had back in the army days. I was the “model” soldier I presumed, since I never took a day of MC ever since I got out of course from S.I.S.P.E.C, took pride in my work and I was really dedicated to it, so much so that my superior made me an I.C, despite there being so many more capable fellow soldiers around, some of whom I felt were even better than I am in terms of abilities. Whenever I had time, I would head to the library to borrow books to “upgrade” myself, studying was FUN then. Fastforward, 1 year later now I am dreading those books and notes, study seems to lose its lure and excitement, instead I found a new interest in traveling and fashion.
It seems things take a heightened importance and lure only when they are scarce. Like why during BMT, even booking out 1 hour earlier is ecstatic, when I first got a 8-5 vocation it felt like I won the lottery ( and 3 months later I dread having to wake up 1 hour earlier to go to camp and rather stay-in).
I feel so bored now, so listless and so lousy, oh God please give me some motivation :p
Sliced Grouper with Ginger and Spring Onion recipe
10 years ago
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