Sunday, February 26, 2006

DESMOND's 21 too

Hey hey welcome to the R21 club brother. (As for ORD... Like the song goes "...long long way to go....") Anyway, all the same wanna wish u a happy 21st birthday and have a wonderful year ahead, most importantly do take good care (esp since u're in COMMANDOs) and stay Happy (^_^).

Field agent sending in the visuals from the "most happening" place in Taman Jurong on 25th Feb 2006......
Birthday boy in the middle, betw Boon and Fan, and flanked by the "B.O.S"es in white. (angels??)

Nice shirt?? Who cares right, the birthday boy likes it enough to change into it JUST for the cake cutting. (Operation D21, Success!! Refer to prev blog entry)

Desmond and 2D.
(the shirt he's wearing is from Cheng Yao, Hongda n Yifeng)

Desmond and 4F.
(需要那么Cool吗?? Presenting 超酷男人帮!!)

Desmond and 4F part 2 (insert Samuel)

Smilez. Ok dun say we're din come Desmond, got evidence here!!

(N.B. Cause e Birthday boy was swarmed by too many friends and love ones, we couldn't manage to get much with him. Nevertheless we had fun too, thanks Des!! =p )

Qns: Where's Mt Everest located at??
Ans: Nepal [Nipple]

(Trust ChengYao to come up with this d(- -!!!)b )

Last BUT not Least.... (as required by our S.O.P)