I('m not) P(hysically) P(repared) T(est) 2007
On the last day of the last month, march, I was @ Maju Camp for my 'Officially' 1st IPPT. For those who know me, I had been training "abit" more than usual, in fact I "felt" like I'm in my fittest form ever, since the first 6 months of my NS days.
Reality checked. The saying "You think therefore you are" is NOT true, as I found out after my IPPT that day. Some people say they are not fit
(hint: Ex-commando, 'Newly crowned' Director), sick, and still can run 2.4km in 9:43, and get 24points for IPPT, which is equivalent of my 'GOLD' standard.
I thought I could at least get a 'SILVER' this time, but for all I know my SBJ need serious improvement in technique. In all 3 attempts it took me, I just couldn't manage any better than 2.16m, which is a min. for the passing grade. I couldn't help but felt so frustrated and embarrassed of myself.
All the "egolistic" sense of superiority I felt moments ago while watching my fellow NS men struggle at the chin up station faded into oblivion. I myself simply ain't better than those who huffled and puffled, struggled and kicked their way to a 6 on the chinup bar. For all that matters (incentive$ wise) we're all on the same level, JUST PASSED..
For a while I wasn't too happy with the results (nothing but 'GOLD' is sufficient), it seems I can't rely on the IPPT for the much need funding for my Building Funds this year.
Well I was given a huge surprise on the following monday, the SAF sent me a sms saying that my incentive will be due on (last) friday. WOW! Since when have the Armed Forces upgraded their efficiency levels so much?? Haha, thank you GOD, this is a 'miracle'!!
Haha, at least I'm 100 dollar richer $-), but I'll be back for the 300 more!!
Next up: I(ntensive) P(hysical) P(repatory) T(raining)... May '07 - June '07