Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Lim Teh Gang @ Holland V

Went Holland V for a chilling (double meaning) session today. The gals joined the Lim Teh Ah Pehs today, for a classier than usual "Lim Teh Session"

Cheng Yao and Yi Feng came up with this game which Tuck, Lijin, Binjuan and I had not played before. Had a hard time cracking the logic, until Yifeng gave a great clue. Still, Tuck and the gals are still 15mins away from getting "it".

Hahaha, thanks Tuck, Lijin and Binjuan (dubbed the "Dumb Clubbers") for providing the laughing fuel. Guess who's the last one "standing".

This is the popular ice breaker game which we played:

QNS: "Jurong East, Lakeside, BoonLay... What's next?"

ANS (1): "Ermmm, I don't know." [CORRECT]
ANS (2): "I don't know." [WRONG]

QNS: "AH YANG, AH TUCK, LIJIN... Who's next?"

ANS (1): "Binjuan" [WRONG]
ANS (2): "Ermm, perhaps Binjuan" [CORRECT]

QNS: "BINJUAN, Lost, Totally Confused... What's next?"

ANS (1): "I still don't know." [WRONG]
ANS (2): "Ermmm, Dumb?" [CORRECT]

Ermmm... Got it Juan?? =D =D