What a lovely time of the year Christmas is.. Oh, my favorite time of the year is here again, HO HO HO!! Hope everyone had a great Christmas, I sure enjoyed mine.
The following photos are taken from during Christmas services at my church. This a personal breakthrough, I attended and served a total of 5 services (including Children's Church) this. I can't believe it too, dead exhuasted after this morning's service, but it felt good. Thank GOD =)
Pls vote for GOLD FAC3 (pronounced Gold Factory) on DANCEFLOOR.
Mr Ong Wei Ren (Hunk ALERT!!, Ladies pls dun go mad.)
N313 Brightest Spark, - VERNON -
"We are pleased to SERVE you."
- JEAN & GAVIN - City Harvest Church Ushers, Property of JESUS CHRIST.
Alleluah, Praise GOD for the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Prince of Peace.
A scene from CHC's 2006 Christmas Service.
Expo Hall 8 lighted with only candle sticks, as we come to celebrate the birth of Christ on this day, 2006 years ago. CHC's Christmas Musical at this year's Service.
Dun you think that Backup Vocalist(BV) featured on the screen is dead Hunky? Yes if you haven't notice, there are lotsa HUNKS n BABES around at City Harvest Church. (Praise e Lord)
- JEAN & GAVIN - City Harvest Church Ushers, Property of JESUS CHRIST.
Dun you think that Backup Vocalist(BV) featured on the screen is dead Hunky? Yes if you haven't notice, there are lotsa HUNKS n BABES around at City Harvest Church. (Praise e Lord)
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